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Nanopatterned Silicon Stamps
II-VI offers a large variety of nanomachined single crystal silicon substrates providing a low-cost entry into nanophotonics research for industry and academic institutions. The substrates may be used in a variety of applications in optics, photonics, biology, chemistry, physics (e.g. neutron scattering), polymer research, nanoimprinting, microfluidics and others. If desired, the substrates can be coated with metallic or dielectric coating. Most of the surface features have slightly trapezoidal cross-section profiles with straight parallel mesas and trenches. Lattice-like structures are available as well. A number of feature sizes and trench depth is available. SEM images of the substrates may be taken prior to shipment to verify the exact profile.
Dimensions shown in the table represent target value. Period has accuracy better than 0.5% while groove depth and the width of line and space may differ from the target values by 15%. SEM are given for illustration purposes. If more precise dimensional information is required, we may provide an SEM of the specific piece of nanostamp you order as an optional service
筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司成立于2014年,是一家被上海市评为高新技术企业和拥有“上海市专精特新企业称号"的专业光学服务公司,业务涵盖设备代理以及项目合作研发,公司位于大虹桥商务板块,拥有接近2000m²的办公区域,建有500平优良的AOL(Advanced Optical Labs)光学实验室,为国内外客户提供专业技术支持服务。公司主要经营光学元件、激光光学测试设备、以及光学系统集成业务。十年来,依托专业、强大的技术支持,以及良好的商务支持团队,筱晓的业务范围逐年增长。目前业务覆盖国内外各有名高校、*科研机构及相关领域等诸多企事业单位。筱晓拥有一支核心的管理团队以及专业的研发实验室,奠定了我们在设备的拓展应用及自主研发领域坚实的基础。